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Ribnica’s cultural diversity is rich and connected with historical elements.

Explore the Ribnica Castle, which has left an indelible imprint on the development of the town of Ribnica, the old town core, which testifies to rich handicraft tradition of this area, the so-called Park of Cultural Workers with busts of a number of important natives of Ribnica, and listen to the locals’ sing-song accent.

Numerous handicrafts and art school products can be viewed at Museum Store of Handicraft Center.

Cultural and historical in Ribnica

Ribnica's cultural heritage is all about handicrafts.

Ribnica Handicraft Centre

The Handicraft Center is one of Ribnica’s most recognizable cultural attractions, preserving the connection between the town’s rich handicraft heritage and its creative present. It is a space where the distinctive character of Ribnica and the story of woodenware craftsmanship are comprehensively showcased. Visitors can explore the long, uninterrupted tradition of craftsmanship.

The public institution The Handicraft Center Ribnica, which manages the center, brings together and integrates museum and gallery activities, the museum shop, handicrafts, and tourism.

For its environmental efforts, the Handicraft Center has been awarded the international environmental certification Green Key. We also have the Slovenia Green sign.

Contact Details and Opening Hours

Contact Details and Opening Hours:

Ribnica Handicraft Centre / Rokodelski center Ribnica
Cesta na Ugar 6, 1310 Ribnica

Tel. No.: +386 1 836 11 04

Opening hours:

  • from May to September
    Mon–Fri: 9:00–17:00
    Sat: 9:00–18:00
    Sun: 10:00–18:00
  • from October to April
    Mon–Fri: 9:00–17:00
    Sat: 9:00–13:00
    Sun and public holidays: open by prior arrangement


The Škrabec Homestead

The Škrabec Homestead in Hrovača is the birthplace of Friar Stanislav Škrabec (1844–1918), one of the most important linguists of the 19th century and the father of Slovenian modern orthography. The Škrabec family lived and worked at the homestead for more than two centuries.

In preparation for a ceremony to commemorate the 80th anniversary of his relative’s death in 1996, the current owner of the homestead and a great-great-grandson of Friar Stanislav, Janez Škrabec, and his colleagues decided to form a working group focused on renovating the Škrabec house in the village of Hrovača near Ribnica. The renovation, which took just over ten years to complete, was supervised by experts in the fields of conservation, restoration and other important professional fields.

The homestead complex consists of a residential house, a granary, a barn, a hayrack and a pigsty. After 2006, the homestead also acquired a smithy from the Kersnič family’s homestead, which has been turned into a modern gallery space, and the Boštjan House, which is a tourist facility.

The first phase of the Škrabec Homestead complex renovation was focused on the house; it was the introduction to a complete restoration of the nearby wooden granary and hayrack, and the reconstruction of the wooden barn and pigsty. The barn has been turned into a cultural hub of the homestead, and the pigsty has been transformed into a sauna.
In 2004, the European Museum Forum board awarded the homestead the European Museum title. The professionally restored buildings within the homestead complex are a cultural monument and a one-of-a-kind cultural venue. The homestead complex often hosts all sorts of cultural events and gatherings.

Contact Details nad Opening Hours

Contact Details and Opening Hours:
Škrabec Homestead / Škrabčeva domačija
Hrovača 42, 1310 Ribnica
Mobile No.: +386 31 378 252

Opening hours:
Mon–Fri and Sun: by prior arrangement
Sat: closed

Castles in Ribnica and the surrounding area

Castles are an important part of history and cultural heritage. The first to describe castles in Slovenia in a detailed and thorough way was the famed polyhistor Johann Weikhard von Valvasor in his work the Glory of the Duchy of Carniola.

Cerkev-Nova Stifta


Ribnica’s main church – the Church of St. Stephen – and some other rural churches with beautifully preserved frescoes from centuries ago can be the destination of your Sunday walk.

Castles in Ribnica and the surrounding area

Castles are an important part of history and cultural heritage. The first to describe castles in Slovenia in a detailed and thorough way was the famed polyhistor Johann Weikhard von Valvasor in his work the Glory of the Duchy of Carniola.


Glavna ribniška cerkev sv. Štefana ter nekatere druge podeželske cerkvice z razgledi in čudovito ohranjenimi freskami izpred stoletij, so lahko cilj vašega nedeljskega sprehoda.

Miklova hiša

Miklova hiša is more than just a building, it is a place with immense local historical and cultural value.